Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A bench I made over at RISD pre-college
"Pistil" My first piece using spray paint and acrylic.
One of my favorite pieces. When I'm handed a pen and get bored in class. Pen on brown paper.

Foundation class.
One of those mundane paintings of waves and a sunset at the beach. But it was fun making my own type of wave and playing with the sky. Acrylic.
This one was a bit auky cause it took days cutting out tape in the right thickness and matching it up so it would look legit. But it came out alright in the end minus the bleed spots. Spray paint and acrylic.
One of my favorite drawings where I had to take a renaissance painting and draw my self into it. Graphite.

Landscape drawings in Rhode Island. Done with graphite stix, shammy cloth and sandpaper.

Pen series

In this series I was starting to use pen on chipboard with the hatching tech. I really enjoyed working with the hatching tech.. First one is of my friend on the metro rail and the second if of leaves with just random lines flowing thru and interacting with the plant.
Part of my breath series. Graphite on brown paper.
I like to play a lot with the building in Miami and this one was based on what I see on daily basis on my way to school. Done with spray paint and acrylic.